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HomeStoriesShe Works Six Jobs to Keep Her Island Afloat

She Works Six Jobs to Keep Her Island Afloat

Life on the island is near easy and it’s not placed where you come to get rich but it’s a better lifestyle so it’s a happier lifestyle.

We’re so few people in Ireland everybody has to have multiple jobs to keep them underfoot were everybody else.

Welcome to north Franzi a small remote island off the northern reaches of Scotland home to around 50 people two lighthouses, an airport some sheep, cattle and a few seals and that’s about it.

Not much of a labor force so while on the mainland you might have one maybe two jobs up here it’s more like six or seven. Meet Sarah Moore. She’s the homecare Clark to the community council she works at the airfield and loads a firefighter. She also got a flock of sheep and she’s the poster in the Island.

Really the job has been an Islander which is just mucking in and helping with various bits and pieces and one in two days she could be helping cattle, one day and fixing our roof the other day it’s whatever they islanders need help. Safety is a number-one priority and thankfully we’ve never had an emergency. So hopefully keep it that way. She moved to the island a bit three and a half years ago. She wasn’t enjoying life.

She stated that there’s just so many people and you didn’t know anybody, you’re completely anonymous. That’s quite a lonely place. Up here my confidence is gained massively because people, they come along, teach you the skills that you need. I certainly never had sheep at Edinburgh.

“Most people didn’t quite understand that when I see i’ve got like six jobs, it’s not six full-time jobs. It starts off from working, you know 24 hours a day. That’s far more job satisfaction and at the end of a day you can see if I actually accomplished something as opposed to just, do the same old thing all along.”

“how many houses you have to deliver?,  I think it’s someone like 25 houses in Island.

How long does it take? A few hours. It depends on the number of posts we get.

“this island is really magical! I mean it’s completely unique in its own way. You’re never gonna find a place like this. Where you can just come up and live the way you’re supposed to live. You know the rule by the weather as opposed to the clock and I have no plans to go anywhere. I’m setting up roots and gonna be here till I die.” Sarah said finally.


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